I have been terrible at blogging. Absolutely TERRIBLE. And there’s no excuse other than I’m lazy – Facebook has become so easy and efficient that I’ve mostly given up on this blogging business. But I thought – to bring in the New Year, I may as well get back on the bandwagon and attempt this again. Ah, but how long do resolutions ever last? I apologise if I fail rather quickly again!
2013 was a whopper of a year. An absolute whopper. I photographed 19 weddings, 4 engagements, 1 couple, 5 newborns, 1 maternity, 5 families, 4 parties and a politician. It’s been a crazy full on year. And then on top of that, I also got to marry my best friend and love of my life (there’s a sneaky picture on the about page ๐ ), had a second job up until April, finished my third year of uni including three full weeks of placement (crazy hectic!!) and moved to the country.
It’s been full on but it’s been great. I met more incredible people than I can count. I fell in love with newborns, cried at couples’ beautiful vows, laughed and loved, turned clients into friends, had a new logo created and also had one of the busiest years that I can ever remember. I also made REP my sole income… yep, that’s right. This business is my livelihood – this is it. I took a leap of faith and it has paid off in mountains and piles of blessings.
Yet even within this busy-ness, I saw myself grow. I saw my vision grow, my passion grow and most of all – my understanding of what is important grow. I can’t wait to grow even more in 2014 – and for this growth to help me become better at my job and better at capturing the most important moments of your lives. I’m excited for what’s in store.
This year’s photography was:
Engaged. Married. Love. Family. Expectant. New. Party. Politics.
I hope you enjoy this snapshot of 2013. I so can’t wait to share 2014 with you all. It’s going to be even busier again, but it’s going to be an incredible ride.
For now, this is 2013. Enjoy.
All my love,
Rach xo
To finish – here is a little inspiration for you.. Adjust your sails this year if you need to.
Hello, 2014. Let’s do this. xx
by Rachael Farmer
Bec - Beautiful year Rachi!
Lucy - Gorgeous Rach <3